Project Results
The NanoEYE project aims to provide early years education teachers (formal and informal) with a set of tools that can intuitively be used to teach nanoscience to children from 0-5 years old. Here, you will find a compendium of resources created by the partners of the project, from workbooks to videos and a comprehensible Didactic Guide all of them available in the three languages of the project.
PR1. Training action for teachers
(From 28-02-2022 to 02-01-2023)
Leading Organisation: UNIZAR
- A training action for teachers oriented to the teaching of knowledge in nanotechnology and nanomaterials and its application to the real world.
- A didactic guide on methodologies to teach science in early childhood education.
- A document with different examples of dynamic games and activities based on theatrical teaching in early childhood.
- Experimental workshop on nanotechnology.
- Experimental workshop based on scientific demonstrations carried out with a theatrical puppet representation.
- Project web page.
PR2. Didactic downloadable teaching sheets
(From 03-07-2022 to 01-05-2023)
Leading Organisation: ESCIENCIA
- Development of pedagogical material with specialized content in current research on nanoscience and explanatory videos of the step by step with scientific experiments that will serve as a tool ready to use in the classroom.
- Creation of 15 didactic downloadable teaching sheets. Methodologies based on a play-based approach.
PR3. Document of good practices
(From 01-05-2023 to 31-12-2023)
Leading Organisation: ESCIENCIA
- As a result of the actions foreseen in PR1 and PR2, a guide of good practices will be created for download. The objective of the best practices guide is to obtain knowledge about the operation of the best practice models applicable in science education at an early age through dramatized methodologies.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+ program under the call “Cooperation Associations in School Education”
The “NANO EYE: Immersion in nanoscience for education in the early years” [project number No: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000024429] project is co-financed by the Union European. The opinions and points of view expressed (in this note of press/communication/publication/etc.) only commit their author(s) (name of educational center or education and training organization) and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union nor those of the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor the National Agency SEPIE can be considered responsible for them.